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Peer Reviewed Papers

1.      Experimental and theoretical studies on Rydberg states of CH2CO in the region 120–220 nm. S-Y Chiang,* M. Bahou,

         Y-J Wu, and Y-P Lee,* J. Chem. Phys. 117, 4306 (2002).
2.      Isomers of S2O: Infrared absorption spectra of cyclic S2O in solid Ar. W-J Lo, Y-J Wu, and Y-P Lee,* J. Chem. Phys. 117,

         6655 (2002).
3.      Isomers of Ge2N2 : Production and infrared absorption of GeNNGe in solid N2. M. Bahou, K. Sankanran, Y-J Wu,

         Y-P Lee,* D. Rayner, and B. Simard, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 9710 (2003).
4.      Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of Cyclic S2O in Solid Ar. W-J Lo,* Y-J Wu, and Y-P Lee,* J. Phys. Chem. A 107, 6944

5.      Experiments and Calculations on Rate Coefficients for Pyrolysis of SO2 and the Reaction O + SO at High 

         Temperatures. C-W Lu, Y-J Wu, Y-P Lee,* R-S Zhu, and M. C. Lin,* J. Phys. Chem. A 107, 11020 (2003).
6.      Infrared matrix-isolation spectroscopy using pulsed deposition of p-H2. Y-J Wu, X. Yang, and Y-P Lee,*

         J. Chem. Phys. (communication) 120, 1168 (2004).
7.     Reaction dynamics of Cl+CH3SH: Rotational and vibrational distributions of HCl probed with time-resolved Fourier-

        transform spectroscopy. S-S Cheng, Y-J Wu, and Y-P Lee,*  J. Chem. Phys. 120, 1792 (2004).
8.     Isomers of HSCO: IR absorption spectra of t-HSCO in solid Ar. W-J Lo, H-F Chen, Y-J Wu, and Y-P Lee,*

        J. Chem. Phys. 120, 5717 (2004).
9.     Experimental and theoretical investigations of rate coefficients of the reaction S+O2 in the temperature range

        298–878 K. C-W Lu, Y-J Wu, Y-P Lee,* R-S Zhu, and M. C. Lin,*  J. Chem. Phys. 121, 8271 (2004).
10.  Molecular elimination in photolysis of fluorobenzene at 193 nm: Internal energy of HF determined with time-resolved

       Fourier-transform spectroscopy. C-Y Wu, Y-J Wu, and Y-P Lee,* J. Chem. Phys. 121, 8792 (2004).
11.  Isomers of NCO2 : IR-absorption of ONCO in solid Ne. Y-J Wu and Y-P Lee,* J. Chem. Phys. 123, 174301 (2005).
12.  Internal rotation and nuclear spin conversion of CH3OH in solid parahydrogen. Y-P Lee,* Y-J Wu, R. M. Lees, L-H Xu

       and J. T. Hougen, Science, 311, 365 (2006)
13.  Experimental and theoretical investigations of rate coefficients of the reaction S(3P)+OCS in the temperature range

       298–985 K. C-W Lu, Y-J Wu, Y-P Lee,* R-S Zhu, and M. C. Lin,*  J. Chem. Phys. 125, 164329 (2006).
14.  Absorption spectra in the vacuum ultraviolet region of methanol in the condensed phases.
       Y-P Kuo, H-C Lu, Y-J Wu, B-M Cheng,* J. F. Ogilvie,* Chem. Phys. Lett. 447, 168 (2007).
15.  Photoabsorption cross sections of NH3, NH2D, NHD2, and ND3 in the spectral range 110-140 nm.
       Y-J Wu, B-M Cheng, H-C Lu, H-K Chen, Y-P Lee,* and L. C. Lee,* J. Chem. Phys. 127, 154311(2007).
16.  Infrared absorption spectra of vinyl radicals isolated in solid Neon. Y-J Wu,* M-Y Lin, B-M Cheng,* H-F Chen

       and Y-P Lee,* J. Chem. Phys. 128, 204509 (2008).
17.  Direct spectral evidence of single-axis rotation and ortho-hydrogen-assisted nuclear spin conversion of CH3F in

       solid parahydrogen. Y-P Lee,* Y-J Wu, and J. T. Hougen, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 104502 (2008) and selected as

       Editors’ choice in Science 322, 16 (2008).
18.  Infrared absorption spectra of ethynyl radicals isolated in solid Neon: Identification of the
       fundamental C-H stretching mode. Y-J Wu and B-M Cheng,* Chem. Phys. Lett. 461, 53 (2008)
19.  Vacuum ultraviolet photodissociation of ethene in solid Neon. Y-J Wu, M-Y Lin, et al., in Advance in Geoscience,

       Vol 19, pp 489-497, Planetary science, Eds by Anil Bhardwaj, World Scientific Publishing, (2008)
20.  Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of small molecules in condensed phases. H-C Lu, H-K Chen, Y-J Wu, B-M

       Cheng, and J. F. Ogilvie, in Advance in Geoscience, Vol 19, pp 453-463, Planetary science, Eds by Anil Bhardwaj,

       World Scientific Publishing, (2008)
21.  Infrared absorption spectra of t-HNOH radicals generated on vuv irradiation of NO in solid H2.
       Y-J Wu, M-Y Lin, S-C Hsu, and B-M Cheng,* ChemPhysChem, 10, 901 (2009).
22.  Formation and identification of interstellar molecule linear-C5H from photolysis of methane dispersed in solid

       neon. Y-J Wu, H-F Chen, C. Camacho, H. A. Witek, S-C Hsu, M-Y Lin, S-L Chou, J. F. Ogilvie, and B-M Cheng,*

       Astrophys. J. 701, 8 (2009).
23. Quantum chemical calculations on isomers of C5O. H-F Chen, S-L Chou, Y-J Wu,* and B-M Cheng,*

       J. Mol. Struct: Theochem 913, 58 (2009).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As. PI

24. Photolysis of Ethyne in Solid Neon and Synthesis of Long-chain Carbon Clusters with Vacuum
      Ultraviolet Light. Y-J Wu, M-Y Lin, S-L Chou, H-F Chen, H-C Lu, H-K Chen, and B-M Cheng,*
      Astrophys. J. 721, 856 (2010).
25. Vacuum ultraviolet photolysis of H3CF in solid Ne: Infrared spectra of HCF and CF+. Y-J Wu,* H-F Chen, S-L Chou,

       M-Y Lin, and B-M Cheng,* Chem. Phys. Lett. 497, 12 (2010).

26. Structure, Stability, Electron affinity, and Electronic Spectra of Isomers of C6H. Y-J Wu,* Comput. Theoret. Chem.

       963, 104 (2011).
27. Quantum chemical calculations on potential energy surface of H2CO3 and Implication for martian chemistry.

       Y-J Wu,* C. Y. R Wu, and M-C Liang,* Icarus 214, 228 (2011).
28. A theoretical study of carbon chains of type CnF (n=1-7) in neutral and ionic forms. H-F Chen and Y-J Wu,*

       J. Theoret. Comput. Chem. 10, 789 (2011)
29. Blue/Near UV light emission from hybrid InN/TiO2 nanoparticle films. C-W Wu, C-W Lu, Y-P Lee, Y-J Wu,*

      B-M Cheng, and M. C. Lin,* J. Mater. Chem. 21, 8540 (2011). (communication)

30. Spectra and photolysis of pure nitrogen and of methane dispersed in solid nitrogen with VUV light.
       Y-J Wu,* C.Y. R. Wu, S-L Chou, M-Y Lin, R-J Lo, H-C Lu, and B-M Cheng,* Astrophys. J. 746, 175 (2012) 
31. A new method for investigating infrared spectra of protonated benzene (C6H7+) and cyclohexadienyl
      radical (C6H7) using para-hydrogen. M. Bahou, Y-J Wu,* and Y-P Lee,* J. Chem. Phys. 136, 154304 (2012).

      Selected as JCP Editor's choice in 2012

32. Formation and Infrared Absorption of Protonated Naphthalene (1-C10H9+ and 2-C10H9+) and Their
      Neutral Counterparts in Solid Para-Hydrogen. M. Bahou, Y-J Wu,* and Y-P Lee,* Phys. Chem. 
      Chem. Phys. 15, 1907 (2013). 
33. Structure, stability, and vibrational fundamentals of low-lying isomers of C6H7+. H-F Chen and
      Y-J Wu,* Comput. Theor. Chem. 1006, 100 (2013).
34. Infrared Spectra of Protonated Pyrene and its Neutral Counterpart in Solid Para-Hydrogen. M. Bahou,
      Y-J Wu,* and Y-P Lee,* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 1989 (2013). 
35. Ultraviolet and Infrared spectra of Electron-Bombarded Solid Nitrogen and Methane diluted in
      Solid Nitrogen. Y-J Wu,* H-F Chen, S-J Chuang, and T-P Huang, Astrophys. J. 768, 83 (2013). (▲= 30)
36. Far Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of N3 and N2+ Generated by Electron Impacting Gaseous N2. 
      Y-J Wu,* H-F Chen, S-J Chuang, and T-P Huang, Astrophys. J. 779, 40 (2013). 
37. Infrared Spectra of Protonated Coronene and its Neutral Counterpart in Solid Para-Hydrogen:
      Implcations for the Unidentified Interstellar Infrared Emission Bands. M. Bahou, Y-J Wu,*
      and Y-P Lee,*  Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 1021 (2014) 
38. Infrared Spectra of Free Radicals and Protonated Species Produced in Para-hydrogen Matrices.
      M. Bahou, P. Das, Y-F Lee, Y-J Wu, and Y-P Lee,*  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 2200 (2014). 
      Invited Perspective.

39. Infrared Spectra of Acetylene Diluted in Solid Nitrogen upon Irradiation with Vacuum Ultraviolet Light
      and Electrons. Y-J Wu,* S-J Chuang, S-C Chen, and T-P Huang, Astrophys. J. Supple. Ser. 212, 7 (2014)
40. Irradiation of Ethylene Diluted in Solid Nitrogen with Vacuum Ultraviolet Light and Electrons:
       Its Implications for the Formation of HCN and HNC.  H-F Chen, S-C Chen, M-C Liu,  T-P Huang, and Y-J Wu,*  

       Astrophys. J. 804, 36 (2015).
41. Photodissociation and Infrared Spectra of Ethylene Cations in Solid Argon. S-C Chen, M-C Liu, T-P Huang,

      C-H Chin, and Y-J Wu,* Chem. Phys. Lett. 630, 96 (2015)
42. Photoisomerization and Infrared Spectra of Allene and Propyne Cations in Solid Argon. M-C Liu, 
       S-C Chen, C-H Chin, T-P Huang, H-F Chen, and Y-J Wu,* J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 3185 (2015).
43. Infrared and Ultraviolet Spectra of Methane Diluted in Solid Nitrogen and Irradiated with Electrons During          

      Deposition at Various Temperatures. C-H Chin, S-C Chen, M-C Liu, T-P Huang, and Y-J Wu,* ApJS, 224, 17 (2016).

44. Protonated Ovalene as a carrier for Unidentified Interstellar Emission Bands. M. Tsuge,* M. Bahou, Y-J Wu, 

       L. Allamondala, and Y-P Lee,* ApJ 825, 96 (2016).

45. Photochemistry and Infrared Spectrum of Single-bridged Diborane(5) anion in Solid Argon. M-C Liu, 
       H-F Chen, W-J Huang, C-H Chin, S-C Chen, T-P Huang, and Y-J Wu,* J. Chem. Phys. 145, 074314 (2016). 

46. Infrared Spectra of Ovalene (C32H14) and Hydrogenated Ovalene (C32H15) in Solid Para-hydrogen. M. Tsuge,*

      M. Bahou, Y-J Wu, L. Allamondala, and Y-P Lee,* Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 28864 (2016).

47. Identification of a Simplest Hypervalent Hydrogen Fluoride Anion in Solid Argon. M-C Liu, H-F Chen, C-H Chin,

       T-P Huang, Y. J. Chen, and Y-J Wu,* Sci. Rep. 7, 2984 (2017). 

48. Direct IR Observation of Hydrogen Chloride Anion in Solid Argon. T-P Huang, H-F Chen, M-C Liu, C-H Chin,

       M. C. Durrant, Y-Y Lee, and Y-J Wu* J. Chem. Phys. 147, 114301 (2017).​

49. UV Absorption Spectra of Allene Radical Cations in Solid Ar. C-H Chin, M-Y Lin, T-P Huang, and Y-J Wu,* 

      Spectrochim. Acta  A 196, 233 (2018).

50. IR spectra of Isotopomers of Chloromethylene in Solid Argon. M-Y Lin, T-P Huang, C-H Chin, Y-Y Lee, and Y-J Wu,* 

       J. Mol. Spectrosc. 345, 17 (2018).

51. Formation and Identification of Borane Radical Anions in Solid Argon. M-Y Lin, T-P Huang, C-H Chin, and Y-J Wu,*

        J. Chem. Phys. 148, 074307 (2018).

52. Direct IR Absorption Spectra of Propargyl Cations Isolated in Solid Argon. C-H Chin, M-Y Lin, T-P Huang, P-Z Wu,

       and Y-J Wu*,  Sci. Rep. 8, 14392 (2018).​

53. Infrared spectra of the 1-methylvinoxide radical and anion isolated in solid argon. M-Y Lin, T-P Huang, P-Z Wu,

       C-H Chin, and Y-J Wu,*  J. Phys. Chem. A 123, 4750 (2019).

54. Formation of Halogen-bearing Species I. Irradiation of Methyl Fluorides in Carbon Monooxide Ices With VUV Lights

       and Electrons. M-Y Lin, T-P Huang, P-Z Wu, C-H Chin, and Y-J Wu,*  ApJ 880, 132 (2019).​

55. Formation of Halogen-bearing Species II. Irradiation of Methyl Chlorides in Carbon Monooxide Ices With VUV Lights

       and Electrons. M-Y Lin, T-P Huang, P-Z Wu, C-H Chin, and Y-J Wu,*  ApJ 888, 39 (2020).  

56. Vacuum Ultraviolet Photolysis of CH4: O2 Ice Mixtures and the Formation of CO and CO2. S-L Chou, M-Y Lin, 

       T-P Huang, and Y-J Wu,*  J. Mol. Struct. 1209, 127954 (2020).  (Special issue:  Z. Mielke Festschrift)

57. Formation and Infrared Spectra of MonoHydrogenated Pyrenes 2-C16H11, and 4-C16H11 Trapped in Solid Para-

       Hydrogen, M. Bahou, S-L Chou, and Y.-J. Wu,*  J. Mol. Struct. 1209, 127995 (2020).

       (Special issue in memory of  J. T. Hougen).

58. Formation and IR Spectrum of Monobridged Si2H4 Isolated in Solid Argon. S-Y Lin, S-L Chou, M-Y Lin, W-J Huang, T-P

       Huang, and Y-J Wu,* J. Chem. Phys. 152, 204308 (2020).

59. Far-ultraviolet Absorption and Photoluminescence of Monolayer Graphene and Its Implications for Extended Red

      Emission. S-L Chou, M-Y Lin, S-Y Lin, W-J Huang, T-P Huang, Y-C Lee, and Y-J Wu,* ApJ 901, 103 (2020)​

60. Erratum"Far-ultraviolet Absorption and Photoluminescence of Monolayer Graphene and Its Implications for Extended

      Red Emission" (2020, ApJ, 901, 103). S-L Chou, M-Y Lin, S-Y Lin, W-J Huang, T-P Huang, Y-C Lee, and Y-J Wu,*

      ApJ 906, 137 (2021).

61. IR Absorption Spectra of Hexafluorobenzene Anions and Pentafluorophenyl Radicals in Solid Argon. S-L Chou, S-Y Lin,

       M-Y Lin, and Y-J Wu,* Spectrochim. Acta A 252, 119524 (2021).

62. High-Performance NaK2Li[Li3SiO4]4:Eu Green Phosphor for Backlighting Light-Emitting Diodes. M-H Fang, O. Carl,..,

       Y-J Wu, ..., R-S Liu,* and J. Attfield,* Chem. Mater. 33, 1893 (2021). 

​63. IR absorption spectra of phenoxide anions isolated in solid argon. S-L Chou, S-Y Lin, H-F Chen, and Y-J Wu,* JCCS 69, 133

      (2022) (Special issue:  Y.-P. Lee's Festschrift on his 70th birthday)

64. Far-UV Spectroscopy of Mono- and Multi-layer Hexagonal Boron Nitrides. S-L Chou, M-Y Lin, T-P Huang, S-Y Lin,

       M-Z Yang, Y-Y Lee, and Y-J Wu,* Spectrochim. Acta A 270, 120849 (2022).

65. IR absorption spectra of aniline cation, anilino radical and phenylnitrene isolated in solid argon. S-Y Lin, S-L Chou, C-M

      Tseng, and Y-J Wu*   Spectrochim. Acta A  276, 121233 (2022).

66. Infrared Spectra of 1-quinolinium (C9H7NH+) Cation and Quinolinyl Radicals (C9H7NH and 3-, 4-, 7-, 8-HC9H7N) Isolated

      in Solid para-Hydrogen. C-Y Tseng, Y-J Wu, Y-P Lee*  J. Phys. Chem.  A  126, 2361 (2022).

      (Special issue: 10 Years of the ACS PHYS Astrochemistry Subdivision)

67. Vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectra of an in-situ synthesized peptide precursor: hydroxylamine on a cold

       astrochemical dust analogue. R. Thombre, D. Gupta, ..., S-L Chou, Y-J Wu,..., B. Sivaraman* Eur. Phys. J. D 76, 53 (2022).

68. Formation of Para-H2O by Vacuum-UV Photolysis of O2 in Solid Hydrogen: Implication to Astrochemistry. S-Y Lin, 

       W-J Huang, S-L Chou, H-F Chen, and Y-J Wu*, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 10439 (2022). (cover article)

​69.  A Plausible Model for the Galactic Extended Red Emission: Graphene Exposed to Far-ultraviolet Light. S-L Chou, W-B Shih,

       M-Z Yang, T-P Huang, S-Y Lin, M-Y Lin, W-J Huang, C. M. Chu, W-Y W, Y-Y Lee, Y-P Lee, and Y-J Wu*, ApJ 944, 18 (2023).

70. N-Graphene Synthesized in Astrochemical Ices. K.K. Rahul, M. Ambresh, D. Sahu, ..., S-L Chou, Y-J Wu,..., B. Sivaraman*, 

       Eur. Phys. J. D 77, 24 (2023).

71. Vacuum UV Photolysis of Benzene in Solid Nitrogen. S-Y Lin, S-L Chou, W-J Huang, T-P Huang, C-M Tseng*, Y-J Wu*. ACS Earth 

      Space Chem. 7, 1416 (2023).

72. Far-UV Absorption Spectra of SiH2 and Dibridged Si2H2 Isolated in Solid Argon. S-Y Lin, S-L Chou, C-M Tseng*, Y-J Wu*. 

      Spectrochim. Acta A 302, 123060 (2023).


73. Amorphous 1-propanol interstellar ice beyond its melting point. R. Ramachandran et al. MNRAS 530, 1027 (2024).

74. Direct UV Absorption Spectra of CO2+ in Solid Neon. W-J Huang, S-L Chou, S-Y Lin, H-F Chen, and Y-J Wu*, Low Temp. Phys. 50,

      733 (2024) (Special issue: Physics and Chemistry of Low Temperature Atoms and Molecules of Low Temperature Physics)

75. Electronic Absorption Spectra of Aniline Cations in Solid Neon. S-L Chou, W-J Huang, C-H Chin, S-Y Lin, H-F Chen, and Y-J Wu*, J. Mol.

      Struct. 1316, 139051 (2024).

76. Experimental and computational studies of ethanolamine ices at astrochemical conditions. R. Ramachandran et al. ApJ 975, 181 (2024)

77. Blue Luminescence from N-doped Graphene. S-Y Lin, S-L Chou, T-P Huang, M-Y Lin, H-F Chen, P. J. Sarre, C-M Tseng*, and Y-J Wu*,

       ApJ 977, 230 (2024).


78. A Novel Method for Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Thin-film Utilizing Vacuum UV Exposure. S-L Chou, S-Y Lin, Y. H. Wu, T-P Hung,

      M-Y Lin, Y-Y Lee, S-C Weng*, H-F Chen*, Y-J Wu*, Opt. Mater. 160, 116697 (2025)

79. VUV Photolysis of Silane with Nitric Oxide in Solid Neon. S-L Chou, C-H Chin, J. F. Ogilvie, and Y-J Wu* Low Temp. Phys.

       (Special issue: Nanostructures and Impurity Centers in Cryogenic Environments)


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